Please use Bcc: for your email lists!
I've been meaning to let folks know, you must learn to use the Bcc: function on your email. If you already do this, then you can use this email to forward to those that you find that don't.
When you notice that I send an email to you, there are only my own email addresses (3 of em I think) and your email address. I only put my email addresses in the To: line, I put no email addresses in the Cc: line, and my list of all my recipients go in the Bcc: line.
When using To: and Cc: (Cc: stands for Carbon Copy) lines, everyone's email address is available to everyone else on those lines for all to see, and perhaps abuse by adding to their lists. Folks that use the 'Reply All' function then wil be emailing everyone from your list, as well as anyone that they add themself.
Now when you receive an email and see a whole bunch of emails, you know that that person did not use Bcc: which stands for Blind Carbon Copy. Please use this function when sending emails because the rest of the recipients will be 'Blind' to the entire list except for those in your To: and Cc: lines.
Cc: is really for use by businesses; like in the bottom of a letter so that everyone in an organization knows who else received the memo/email. If you use Bcc: then only the people in the To: line and the Cc: line will show up on their email, and all of the addresses you put in the Bcc: line will not be seen by others.
Once again please use Bcc: for you list of email addresses so that no one will mistakenly 'Reply All', or snag your friends and family addresses for their own purposes.
Please use Bcc: now and forward this to everyone on your list. This should be the standard usage, but we still see big lists of others emails at the top of the stuff we receive. It becomes aggravating when then someone adds your email list to others and we get a big gaggle of stuff we don't want from folks we do not even know!!!
Ed's voice over sites: www.voiceopolis.comEd's personal website: www.edroom.iwarp.comWhere Ed works:
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