EdUpdate 07-13-2005
Last Thursday the 7th of July was my final evening of a six evening tele-class with Rodney Saulsberry. ( ) and as far as I can tell I did quite well. It was a voice-over class that focused on doing TV promos and movie trailers! There were several times when I did one-takes on my delivery, and one time, Rodney didn't know it but it was a cold read. I forgot to pre-read my copy for the 5th weeks class, and then he called on me first to do a read. Bang! I knocked it out of the park! I knocked a couple out, but that was the only one that was a cold read!
At the end of the class, Rodney gave a "pep talk" of sorts, telling us that our success was coming and that it is within reach shortly, and also because of the work we have been putting in it's not far off. I felt as though he was "prophesying" to me! So I accepted it of course! Then after we all said our good byes, I got to work on doing some auditions via internet from my site. I spent some extra time that Thursday evening getting some quality auditions sent out.
After that, I took the time to catch up on my bible study back in my Ed-cave and my special time with the LORD was filling me with a peaceful joy! Then later as I was sitting on my bed reflecting on the day in prayer, I then approached the LORD like a little boy would his Father. I said something to the effect: "LORD, you know I've been doing auditions for "voice123" since March doing over 100 auditions through them, so could I get a job through them... please?" The nights sleep I had later was exceptional, and Friday morning after my morning Bible study, I found a voice over job for me from the previous nights auditions!
So the blessing of God answering prayer that day is in itself a testimony. Of course I have prayed that request many times, asking for voice over jobs, but this time when He answered, it was way more than "just a job". A man name of Tom Perkins got my audition, liked it, checked out , listened to my demos and liked them so elected to go with me for his voice over work. I am not only doing voice over work for him, but audio editing some of his tele-classes that he has been and will be teaching in the fitness business arena. Also I will be consulting with him on writing different things for the tele-classes I'm producing for him, as well as a podcast "radio show" that is upcoming!
I spent the weekend getting my first assignment done for him, and then had it to him by Monday afternoon on my 49th birthday 7-11-1956! He paid me my first pay for the job that very day through my Pay Pal account on my site. I asked for and received from him a testimonial that I'll be able to use on my site as well. Besides that he is quite a nice person! Visit coach Tom's site at:
This Friday the 15th of July, I am heading down to So Cal and staying overnight at my son Steven's place. On Saturday I am heading in to Los Angeles to attend a voice-over intensive seminar from my pal Rodney Saulsberry whom I took the 6week tele-class on TV promos-movie trailers. Then I'll spend the remainder of Saturday with my sons Steven and Tony!
That's about all for now. And may God richly bless you in ways that you would never even imagine!
From the neon shadows of Las Vegas, VOICEOPOLIS gives you that Big City Sound!
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