52 years and counting!
How I celebrated my 52nd B-day. I waited until the day after my birthday to celebrate, because it was Saturday.
I awoke once Saturday morning at 5am and was going to get up, but I turned over and nodded back off until 10:15am.
Wow, I had to hurry because I had a 11am staff meeting at the CSB School of Broadcasting where I am an instructor.
Our new tri-mester starts Monday! I rode my bike, Pegasus.
It was sprinkling, 87 degrees Farenheit, making it hot an humid; for 'Vegas that is!
After the staff meeting I came back to the station to rehydrate with some cool water.
Then I rode to one of the local motorcycle dealers where they were having a bikini bike wash, the girls in bikinis wash motorcycles for free.
I was told that my bike was the hardest one to wash all day. It was because of the bugs from my doing a lot of riding.
Bug juice once dried is a pain. However they did such a swell job, I gave them a worthy tip!
I came back once again to rehydrate.
Then I got my pistol and some ammo and went up the street about a block to the indoor range and shot out a box of 550 rounds!
That took a little over two hours. I hadn't been shooting in a while so I took the time to get my aim back into the bullseye mode.
Once a Marine...
I came back to the EdCave once again to rehydrate.
I had received a gift card for Red Robin from a client, Jeff Smith, and so as part of my B-day celebration, I went and ordered a Bayou burger.
I had an interesting time there.
When I was seated, my waiter was swamped, so I was nice to him and I told him to not worry about me right now, for him to take his time with the two large parties that were demanding his attention.
I told him I would go wash up and I'd be back in several minutes so he could do his job with them.
The two parties he had were very demanding, on the edge of RUDE, I could tell.
The waiter, Farazad, told me later that it was slow earlier so they sent two other wait-staff home and he was left to take up the slack with the parties when it became busier later!
Farazad, my waiter gave me some free fries, and a free iced tea for just being so nice to him.
Then he took my order, and as I waited the ornery parties dissipated.
We had a good chat and he told me that my niceness really affected him during a critical moment.
He is a Turk (from Turkey, and Iran) who came here as a young sprout with his family.
Farazad just turned 29 and is in the US Air Force working part time for something to do.
He says he can't seem to keep busy enough, and besides, the extra money is good.
Farazad is not a party person like a lot of the others in his squadron, so the job keeps him doing something.
I told him that I appreciate him for being in the service of our country, and told him a little about myself, and that I am a veteran.
I told him I was celebrating my birthday, and he was amazed that someone would celebrate alone.
He said he just had his 29th and didn't do a thing for himself.
I told him that if he doesn't do it, no one else would! :-)
I was ready for a bit of b-day desert, so I asked him what kind of ice cream they had.
He showed me several things, and I settled on the Mud Pie.
Wow, it was big, cold, and sweetly delicious! Farzad would not let me pay for the Mud Pie either, because it was for my birthday.
He said that because I was alone, I must not be married, and asked if I have any children.
I explained my one-time marriage, and that I did indeed have some lads I raised who've adopted me as their Dad!
He has never been married and seemed discouraged as to the prospect of ever being married, since he was already 29.
I told him that if he believed, God has a plan for his life, and that God has the perfect mate for him if he is willing to go to Him and wait on Him.
I didn't get the chance to ask of his spiritual condition, he was working and talking as he would walk by.
I think the blessings we exchanged with one another was the best part of my day.
I told him to listen to the Christian station where I work, and that he could call me if he needs someone to talk to.
It would behoove us to pray for his soul and his life, don't you think? Oh, yes, I made sure he got a large tip!
So that is how I celebrated my birthday for the big 52!
I will spend the rest of today -Sunday the 13th- working on my Matriculate To Success broadcast for this evening. www.blogtalkradio.com/EdVoice
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