Saturday, September 17, 2005

Ed Quotes!

I was reading a site with some quotes on it, and I decided to write some of my own.

You�ll never know what you can do if you don�t try, and if you don�t, who cares?

You can hide from the light in the shadows, but in darkness you don�t have to hide.

You can strain your ears to hear something in the silence, but in a noisy clutter, can you hear what matters?

Food for the hungry, water for the thirsty, knowledge for the ignorant, rest for the weary, clothes for the naked, heat for the cold, homes for the homeless, jobs for the jobless, money for the poor, but what can we do for the fool?

Just think... if you lived here, I�d probably be an intruder!

Eat less, drink more water, exercise, don�t smoke, drive safe, and now what do we do? We have the FDA to approve drugs that kill us?

The pen is mightier than the sword, just ask the media giants!

No longer can we say "who died and made you King?" because in USA even the poor live better than any king lived before us!

Plow the field, plant the seeds, water the soil, but only the crop you planted will sprout!

You say "who moved the cheese?" and I say, is that all you want?

Sure life is more than the destination, it�s the journey! But if you don�t know where you�re going don�t complain about where you finally arrive!

The insect flew around the interstate admiring the humans automobiles, and then one day it became part of one! Is what you are admiring going to be the end of you?

Don�t cry over spilled milk. But wash the washcloth out so it doesn�t sour and smell up the place!

When you watch a movie and you identify with a character try this, when you live your life, will the character identify with you?

When you have the Monday morning blues, remember that your work-week makes the weekend possible!

Choose your friends wisely, or at least treat them wisely!

If you don�t read, you won�t know. If you don�t know, you won�t read!

Choose your words wisely. But you can�t do that without a wide vocabulary!

Success comes to those who know what their success will be!

Pondering thought is not the same as slow thinking.

When you ask me how I am doing, be sure to know if you truly care.

Cleanliness may not be next to Godliness, but surely as you stink, so will you think.

Great googly moogly, don�t be surprised if others don�t care about what you say if you�re not talking about them.

When you talk about others, are you sure the one you�re telling is in agreement or just nodding their head so they can tell others about you?

Complainers are often the status quo, yet the complainer is often the status do nothing!

Do all you can do with what you have. But do it to the best of your ability for the betterment of man!

I�ve been doing so much with so little that for so long, that I can pretty much do anything with nothing at all and I still have to come to work and do it again another day!

When the clock of time has spent it rounds of the hands upon me, can I look back and say oh well, I�ve got my time left to make it better? Or do I stall and spend the remainder in that past time?

If I dig a hole and end up in China, do I climb out and greet the day? Or do I complain that I don�t know the language?

On digging holes to China, is it a hole of escape or a hole of opportunity?

When you dig a hole, don�t throw the dirt so close to the edge that it falls back in on you!

When you take something apart just to see how it works, are you taking notes to remember how to put it back together?

When you take someone apart, are you trying to see how they work and rebuild them or destroy them? Take note, you�ll probably only see what you want to see... bad or good.

What is all this finger pointing going on in the world today? Blame mostly. What a shame, why don�t we do more finger pointing for the good things?

Now I lay me down to sleep. Where did I put my blame today? On someone else? Or did I pray?

Quotes by F. Ed Knutson  More to come!
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