Christian Children's Book Review!
Graciela Rangel gets two thumbs up for "Anthony's Journey" and "Anthony's Christmas Journey"! I've already gotten to know the cast of characters, and I'm ready for more adventurous journeys! Gracie wrangels a lot of great Christian learning out of each "journey". (pun intended) With great highlights of biblical characters, and observations on where Christianity has gone, it's a wake up call for us adults, and a lesson for those little ones being raised up in the Christian faith! Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, Sunday school teachers and more should have these available, and read them with their little ones. Everyone can benefit from these anointed stories about that "Jesus lizard" Anthony!
F. Ed Knutson
Radio talk show host, voice actor, and Production Supervisor at KKVV Christian Talk Radio, Las Vegas, Nevada
For more information on this book go to:
Ed-sites: VO:
Missed the show? Watch videos of the Live Earth Concert on MSN.
This weekend I'm relaxing, letting my lungs clear up from being sick last week.
I'm excited that the Answers In Genesis Creation Museum ( ) is open! I'm a charter member since about 2 years ago or more! I will have to take a vacation there the next time I make time for a vacation! For those of you who remember, I tried to get a job there doing voice overs for the displays, and I even tried to get the radio job they had open there once.
I finished the second audio book of "Adventures In Learning Land" titled "Some Kind Of A Dream" last weekend, just before my B-day. Go to:
A friend of mine in the Christian movie production business (Norton Rodriguez )had a little voice over job that paid me a few bucks last month. I did a voice for a little lizard that will be up on this site in a month or two: The author, Graciela Rangel, sent me copies of her books for Children about Jesus. I am going to be writing a review of them for her! 
I really like Anthony, he's a kick!

I traded up on my motor-sickle near the end of June and I'm enjoying it way more than the other one I had. The other one (800cc/48 cubic inch engine size) made my little honky butt-muscles ache tremendously!!! The new one: (1600cc/95 cubic inch engine size) is nearly twice the bike, and 1000% more comfortable for sitting, and for handling, and just plain all around comfort!

Since I'm getting over this lung virus, and the heat is in the 107 degree F range, I haven't been putting on the miles that I'd like! I must plan a trip to Phoenix for a visit with family in August. I hope that it's cool enough to ride the motorcycle!
I've met a young lady (Pamela Perkins) here locally who is getting into being a playwright for the Lord. We will be getting together to share ideas, and help each other in our respective ministries! I never did make it to film school last year, however, as my friend Pam points out, the direction God wants for me may still be in that direction!
My main podcasting client (Tom Perkins - not related to Pamela) is going to be sending a lot more work my way as he is building his fitness business consulting and advising business.
I have one of the old school motorcycle jackets that my dad tailored to fit me. It has all the zippers, pockets, angled front closure, epulets, snaps, waist belt etc.
I got it for wholesale at my own little internet mall. The model in the pic isn't me, I'd have to lose a few more lbs, besides, my hair is thinner and white. My mall is at: scrolldown and click on the paragraph that looks like this:
Visit My Retail Webstore A new window will open. Remember, you're viewing the RETAIL prices, but I pay a lot less as a member of The Club. You can get the same low prices by joining.
I got my leather wear through them, and some knives, cutlery, office clocks, luggage, and other things through this site at wholesale prices. There is also a "flea market" site with things for sale by other members.
Visit my FSCTradingPost (our online Flea Market)
A new window will open. You'll find stuff that members are selling from all over the world. As a member you can sell, trade or give away all kinds of things there...for FREE!
Well, I have lot's more developing and I'll let you know as it happens.
Ed-sites: VO:
Radio job:
Radio show:
Missed the show? Watch videos of the Live Earth Concert on MSN.