Here are all of the current links to all of Ed's websites as of June 2005
2005 June 18 Saturday
Saturday, June 18, 2005 11:05 AM
H i ! ! ! !
Since the last time I wrote, I have been enjoying the promo/trailer tele-classes with Rodney Saulsberry on Thursday evenings. There are about eleven of us that are on the phone lines in a Tele-conference, and I don't even have to dress up to go to class!! hooray tele-classes! I wish more of the voice-over coaches offered them as an alternative for those of us that live a distance from them.
I am part of the Silver Inner Circle at Susan Berkley's The Great Voice Company in East Jersey/NewYork City area. She offered this Rodney Saulsberry class in conjunction with her company. Also this last Saturday we of the Silver Inner Circle got to listen in on and take part with a Susan Berkely interview of Bob Bergen - who now does the voice of Porky Pig and Tweety! Bob is offering a cruise in February to Ensenada for voice-acting folks, and I've already made my reservations! While we are on board Bob will do a special presentation of his hit one man show "Not Just Another Pretty Voice",( http://www.bobbergen.com/onemanshow.htm ) which enjoyed a 3 month run in Los Angeles and was adapted as an opening act for Kenny Rogers concert tour.
James Alburger and Penny Abshire's www.VoiceActing.com company is offering a two day weekend seminar with Bob Bergen this coming October 8th & 9th in the San Diego area. So guess what? Yep, I'm going to try to pay off some of my other VO debt so I can afford to go to that one too! That way I'll have already met and worked with Bob when I go to the cruise in February!
Today, Saturday June 18th-'05, I have my last day of acting class by The Second City's Shatha Hicks! I've been working on memorizing a monologue from the 1870's play by Henrick Ibsen - "A Doll's House". I have just started going to the same church that my acting instructor Sahtha Hicks invited me to go to here in Las Vegas - Desert Breeze Church. Tomorrow after church, at 3pm is class three of eight of The Second City's IFA-2 which I am taking. IFA stands for Improv for actors! I like to say that the three hours of IFA class is like a weekly dose of "mind-candy" because it's so fun and full of laughs!
Yesterday I felt a need, or urging to call my friends at KKPZ Christian Radio in Portland Oregon where I used to work before I moved here. I had quite a nice chat with the Bolyards, Dave and Adrea. They are a married couple whom I worked with there four years ago. Andrea is the Office Manager, and Dave is the Media Manager plus he does freelance audio production at home for a few extra clams! I love those two. Of course they used to have me over for barbeque and such at their home, and I got to watch cartoons with them too! woo-hoo! A belly full of great cookin', and some belly laughs later, what a combo!
I am still having fantastic bible studies in the morning, and reading all of the voice over books I can in my free time! I will have to take some time off from my acting classes in August to visit my kin in Arizona.
Well, I just got a message from Shatha Hicks, my Saturday acting instructor, and she has to cancel class due to vehicle malfunctions. I guess that's not good for her, however, it gives me more time to memorize my monologue! Not only that, but I can keep up the Spring Cleaning that I'm running behind on!
Ed posing as a narrator for another production in Las Vegas!

Posted by Hello
Blog Blah Blog Blogopolis....
In order to keep the size of my "What's New" page at www.edroom.iwarp.com to a minimum, I now have taken the blog plunge. If you want to know anything about me before this blog you must go to the edroom website and read up on who I am, and what I am about. So there!
To start with, I will let you know this. If you plan on sending off-color replies, offensive remarks, hate filled stuff, or if your difference in religious, spiritual, political, or any other arena makes you upset with me, shove off! Fugetta-boutit! This is my blog, yeah see, it's all about me seee?
Of course your input, and questions are accepted, so don't feel like the preceding paragraph means no one will be able to have their word. I will try to visit here and post as often as I can. Or should I say, as often as I feel like it!
So enough of that, let's get started here! Sunday June 12th of 2005
Last Thursday afternoon, I had my second of the series of six of the tv promo and movie trailer voice acting class via teleconference with A-1 voice talent, Rodney Saulsberry! www.rodneysaulsberry.com We were working on what Rodney calls the "lush". It's that special sound when you can hear the soft expressive whoosh of air at the end of a word.
Yesterday, Saturday the 11th, I was priviledged to be involved in a multi-listener tele-interview with voice great Bob Bergen. www.bobbergen.com As a matter of fact, the company that Bob blogs through is the one I chose for this blog! Bob has a voice over/voice acting resume as long as I am tall, or longer! He's been involved in VO since he graduated from highschool. He is the new voice of Porky Pig and Tweety. The interview took place at 9am Pacific time until just after 10am and he shared a lot with us "gonna-bes". Notice, I did not say "wanna-bes"! I'm thinkin' positive here seeee! Bob is hosting a 3-day voice acting sea cruise to Ensenada, Mexico from the 15th to the 17th February of 2006, and I have already put my deposit in. I'm already excited about this! This interview is made possible through Susan Berkley's The Great Voice Company. www.greatvoice.com I am part of The Great Voice Company's "Silver Inner Circle" where we have special guest tele-interviews at least once a month, as well as critiqueing by Susan Berkley herself.
Later in the day yesterday, I went to The Second City acting class with Shatha Hicks. I got some good direction for my monologue. I am developing a monologue from the play "A Doll's House" by Henrik Ibsen. This being a play from the Norse language, and from the late 1800's, I am modernizing the phrases and some words, to make it more timeless. The scene that I'm using is from when Nora's husband Helmer finds reads "the letter" and confronts her about it.
Later I went to Super Pawn and purchased several classic used VHS movies for $2 each. I watched "The X-Men Evolution", and the animated "Flash Gordon-Marooned On Mongo". I listen to the voice-acting and look at the actors credits to see who was involved.
Today, for some reason I had a bout with depression, and took until later in the afternoon to conquer it. I missed church as well as my Second City IFA-2 class. I feel better now after forcing myself to get out in the sun for a drive, and I did a little window shopping at Super Pawn, and then at Wal-Mart. That seemed to help the most.
Well until we meet again. Reser-Voir or is it Au revoir?